The mission of Excell Academy for Higher Learning is to equip and prepare its learners for higher levels of education and to be positive productive citizens.
Excell Academy will achieve its mission by identifying, nurturing, and developing its learners’ academic gifts, talents and creativity. With the belief that every student is capable of pursuing an achievement at a higher level, Excell Academy offers exceptional learning experiences and quality curricula to foster the learners’ fullest potential.
Excell Academy for Higher Learning’s Board of Directors envision excellent staff, excellent curriculum, excellent student body, and excellent parent and community involvement in the program. In addition, Excell Academy’s goals include providing:
Our students with learning opportunities and academic experiences which normally are not made available to them;
High standards and high expectations for all our learners
Support in academic, social and emotional issues which are specific to the learners and their families
A culturally comfortable learning environment in which students are free to express themselves intellectually, creatively and affectively
An environment where individual and cultural differences in teaching and learning styles are acknowledged
A racially, culturally and economically diverse student body
A socially and academically responsive curriculum, in which problem solving and critical thinking apply to the culture and history of diverse groups
Content about minority groups integrated as a regular integral part of the curriculum “Real-Life” learning experiences
A “continuous progress” system for individualized learning
Multi assessments to monitor student achievement
Staff members who are active and proactive in seeking professional development to work effectively with diverse populations of students
Extended-day enrichment activities and homework assistance
Parental involvement in training and development
Opportunities for community partnerships and other types of community involvement.