Links for information and updates regarding (COVID-19):
Childcare for Emergency and Healthcare Workers
Care for Children of Families of Emergency Workers – eligibility full list 03.17.20.pdf
Comcast Internet Essentials and Internet Resources
Resources from the Minnesota Department of Health
- Distance learning: Clean devices (iPads, laptops) that you touch frequently like you do for all high use areas in homes
- Social distancing practices still apply (avoid large gatherings of 250+, if under 250 participants maintain 6 feet of distance)
- Discourage from gathering in other public places while school is dismissed.
- Resources to help understand COVID-19 and steps you can take to protect yourself and your family:
- CDC’s health communication resources
- CDC information on stigma and COVID-19
- CDC information on COVID-19 and children
- CDC offers several free handwashing resources that include health promotion materials, information on proper handwashing technique, and tips for families to help children develop good handwashing habits.
- Other health and education professional organizations may also have helpful resources your school can use or share, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics
- CDC’s information on helping children cope with emergencies
- Stigma prevention and facts about COVID-19
- Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 website
Contact Information
- For general questions about COVID-19, please email the Minnesota Department of Health or call their hotline at 651-201-3920.
- For general education questions, use MDEs COVID-19 general email:
- For specific questions about online and distance learning, please contact
- For specific questions about school meal programs, please contact
- For specific questions about special education, please contact
- For specific questions about civil rights compliance, please contact
- For relevant guidance regarding how schools can protect civil rights during an outbreak, see the U.S. DoE Office for Civil Rights Fact Sheet released during the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
- For specific questions about state assessments, please contact