Families and Students,
Excell Academy’s school year begins Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Are you ready? Below are links to some important information for the beginning of the school year, and a note from our Executive Director..
Happy Labor Day Families of Excell Students:
This is Mrs. Sabrina Williams, Executive Director of Excell Academy, welcoming you to an exciting and successful 2015 -16 school year. In order to make our first day (tomorrow) and week flow smoothly, please be reminded of the following:
– Parent drop off / pick up is located in the back of the building (cafeteria door).
– K-8 students may enter the building beginning at 8:45 am. Students should be pick up no later than 4:10 pm.
– Parent parking (for the first week) in back or side of building from 8:40am – 9:15am and 3:30pm – 4:15pm).
– Student’s should drop off supplies in classroom and report to cafeteria or designated grade level breakfast line at the posted areas.
– Class lists will be posted in front lobby.
– Staff members will be available to escort students to classrooms and/or designated breakfast lines.
– Prek students should be dropped of at the prek building suite 115 as early as 8:30am and picked up no later than 4:10 pm.
– Students riding the school bus will be met by staff members and directed to proper locations.
– Please label your prek and K student with name, address, phone #, and pick up and drop off bus # if applicable.
Call our main phone number as early as 8 am tomorrow morning with any questions. I, along with our team of dedicated, caring professionals, are looking forward to serving you and your student(s); together we can “Change Tomorrows for our Children Today.”
Sabrina Williams
Chief Education Officer, Executive Director, Founder
Excell Academy for Higher Learning Charter School #4068
6510 Zane Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55429
(763)533-0500 ext. 151 Fax (763)533-0068
srwilliams@excellacademy.org“DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES, ALL DAY EVERY DAY,
Chief Education Officer, Executive Director, Founder
Excell Academy for Higher Learning Charter School #4068
6510 Zane Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55429
(763)533-0500 ext. 151 Fax (763)533-0068
srwilliams@excellacademy.org“DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES, ALL DAY EVERY DAY,
to Change Tomorrows for Children Today!”